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Immediate Actions The Biden Administration Can Take For DLLs

Immediate Actions The Biden Administration Can Take For DLLs

Early Edge California, the CEP, UnidosUS, and fellow Dual Language Learner (DLL) policy leaders have released, Immediate Actions the Biden Administration Can Take for DLLs, a new set of federal policy recommendations to support DLLs now. Recommendations fall within a number of categories including governance, data, DLL children with disabilities, workforce, assessments, technical assistance, and supporting prenatal to age 3. The document concludes with a budget request for President Biden and his Administration. 

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Suggested citation:

Lozano, P., Crolotte, C., Meek, S.E., Soto-Boykin, X., Stechuk, R., Williams, C., Park, M. (November, 2023). Immediate Actions The Biden Administration Can Take For DLLs. The Children’s Equity Project at Arizona State University. Retrieved from: