The Preschool (and Beyond) Exclusionary Discipline Study (PEDS) - Report 2
Out-of-school suspension (OSS), or the temporary removal of a student from the classroom, puts students at risk for successful schooling and life-long learning (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on School Health, 2013). OSS is a severe yet fairly common form of student discipline that prohibits students from being at school or participating in school-related activities for a specified number of days. Researchers have identified multiple adverse consequences associated with OSS as students are separated from their peers, their teachers, and the educational environments that serve as the foundation for current and later success.
Suggested citation:
Fabes, R.A., Catherine, E., Blevins, D., O’Rourke, H., Quick, M., & Musgrave, A. (2021, November). Out-of-School Suspensions in U.S. Public Schools: Visualized CRDC 2017-18 Data for Pre-K Students and Beyond. The Preschool (and Beyond) Exclusionary Discipline Study: Research Brief #2.