Harsh Discipline and its Disproportionate Application in the Early Years and Early Grades
The CEP is dedicated to analyzing data and policy related to harsh discipline in schools and its disproportionate application in learning settings with particular attention paid to its use in the early years to the early grades. We analyze discipline data and policy implications nationally, as well as at the state and local levels. We specifically focus on identifying and closing disparities that Black children, other children of color, and children with disabilities face within learning systems across an array of harsh discipline types, including suspension, expulsion, corporal punishment, seclusion, and restraint.
Suggested citation:
Fabes, R.A., Quick, M., Musgrave, A., Meek, S., & Catherine, E., (2020, October). Exclusionary discipline in U.S. public pre-K programs: An initial look at the 2017-2018 CRDC data. The Preschool Exclusionary Discipline “ Project: Research Briefs (Issue 1). Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University